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TQT™ Annual User Group Meeting Huge Hit

October 14, 2005 (Merrillville, Indiana) - TQT's annual Advanced Training and User Group Meeting (UGM) was a huge hit with TQT customers. While the White Sox baseball team a few miles away in Chicago was hitting and pitching its way to the American League Championship, in Merillville the TQTeam was presenting tips and displaying tricks to win over their valued customers.

Point Imaging Inc., a valued TQT customer for several years hosted the fall meeting. John Whitt, Point Imaging's Vice President of Client Fulfillment, provided great insight into their success as a business and as a TQT user. The two-day event included a full tour of Point Imaging's state-of-the-art plant, where UGM attendees saw TQT in full action, from the sales office, to the production floor, and even in the break room. Monitors throughout the building display sales and production goals, workload, tracking efficiency, recent print jobs and more. Attendees also learned about Point Imaging's use of Blackberry PDA's, which allow installers and remote sales people to have real-time access to the TQT network while on the road.

UGM attendee Deo Tomas, from ICL-imaging, stated "Point Imaging's implementation of TQT is a good example that illustrates the power of the application Seeing and meeting the people from iSystems was great, each of them provided us with the assurance that TQT will be growing as we grow"

The second day involved advance user training during a variety of breakout sessions. The curriculum included training on building Inventory Pools, developing Web Reports, creating a Custom Process List, assigning Client Specific Pricing, and managing CRM. David Atkins of Custom Color said "The TQT User Group Meeting was all that I had hoped for and more. I'm pleased with the direction that the TQTeam is taking. The opportunity to compare business methodologies with peers is in itself invaluable, not to mention the material provided by the TQT staff. The Web reporting feature which we learned about will be particularly useful."

The User Group Meeting ended with a round-table discussion and a series of questions and answers among TQT clients and TQT staff. Overall, the TQT Advanced Training and User Group Meeting was a great success with all participants stating that they would attend a future meeting.

TQT User Group Meeting Photos

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