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CHOF drops appeal, iSystems Prevails in Copyright Infringement Lawsuit

August 1, 2005 - defendants Softwares/Quantum/CHOF have canceled their appeal of the previous judgement in favor of iSystems and Jeremy Kahn, finally ending this entire process. The appeal posed the threat of continuing the litigation ordeal and the news it had been dropped was met with relief.

iSystems is now focusing all of its resources on improving their product, support, and sales infrastructure. "Additionally, we are working hard to switch existing QMIS customers over to our product and support services. After working directly with iSystems, the response of these customers has been overwhelmingly positive."
The infringing QMIS product will cease to exist within the coming months as per the judgement of the court:

The court concluded that defendants copied the organization and structural details of TQTracker, such that the copying pervades the entire Quantum MIS product.

1. Permanent injunction is GRANTED as follows:

a. Defendants are ordered to refrain from the sale, distribution, use or support of any existing version of Quantum MIS.

b. Defendants are further ordered to refrain from modifying or improving Quantum MIS resulting in a product substantially similar to TQTracker.

c. Defendants are also ordered to refrain from transferring or otherwise using the Quantum MIS design to develop a new software product.

For more information about this lawsuit see:

July 9, 2004 - iSystems Prevails in Copyright Infringement Lawsuit

March 28, 2004 - iSystems Scores Major Victory in Copyright Infringement Case

November 15, 2002 - iSystems Expands Copyright Infringment Lawsuit to Quantum Management Systems, LLC and Christ's Household of Faith, Inc.

July 29, 2002 - iSystems Files Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Against Softwares

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