Career Opportunities

We are currently looking for multi-talented, multi-disciplinary, intelligent people to join our team. Please forward your resume to Thank you for your interest.

At iSystems, employment is not about titles, it is about having and developing capabilities. Our departments are based on the most critical capabilities we endeavor to build up. Being a small and fast growing company, we encourage creative, entrepreneurial, people who understand systems, technology, and software.

Functional Responsibility
Marketing, Sales
Outside Sales
Global Marketing Strategist
Technical Training
Customer Support
Operations and Technology
Internet Networking Specialist, installation expertise, systems administration for Macintosh, Window's, Unix, but mostly Mac. Need to know NT, do on site server installation, optimization, database configuration and a bit of training. Good face to face communication skills are necessary.
Human Resource Management
Looking for a person who is serious about HRM. Familiar with new technologies such as Balanced Scorecard, 360? HRM, and whatever else might be current. Capable of developing policies and procedures and communicating these needs with R&D team to provide a fully integrated company wide solution. Strong understanding of Insurance, retirement planning, 401k, outsourcing healthcare plans, and other forms of compensation or benefits. Managing everything related to employment, hiring firing, inspiration, motivation, reviews, payroll, compensation, stock options.
Research and Development
JAVA Developer/Web Developer: This person is a strong JAVA developer that might have come up through C, C++ or it might be web developer that taught himself Java. Doesn't really matter if you understand how to structure a program, produce great code (brilliant would be appreciated).

Graphic Designer/Web Designer: The emphasis here is on the web design, we want to know that you know how to produce great things for the web, and I am not necessarily talking about great art. I love art, but the main purpose of our sites right now has to do with serving customers needs.

4D Developer: You have experience with 4D and you have an even better grasp on MySQL. You also have a strong grasp of JAVA. You don't even mind an occasional systems administration problem.

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